Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Statistics |

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Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Statistics

Over the past few decades, the Catholic Church has faced scrutiny due to the alarming number of sexual abuse allegations involving members of the clergy. Even though attempts have been made to address this issue, new cases are still reported every year.

January 24, 2025
HomeSexual Abuse BlogCatholic Church Sexual Abuse Statistics

Over the past few decades, the Catholic Church has faced scrutiny due to the alarming number of sexual abuse allegations involving members of the clergy. Even though attempts have been made to address this issue, new cases are still reported every year. It is essential to understand the prevalence of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church to know how to combat it and help survivors as they come forward.

A study published in 2019 revealed that from 1946 to 2014, 4.4% (1670 individuals) belonging to the Catholic clergy were accused of sexual abuse of minors. Further, more than 80% of these cases involved “hands-on” abuse involving direct bodily contact, and 66.7% of the victims were under 14 years of age when they were assaulted.

Despite this study being published in 2019, there are still numerous survivors who come forward to report the abuse they suffered by the church. While these statistics are heartbreaking and painful to read, it is important to remember that you are never alone and we are willing to fight to get you justice.

Key Takeaways

  • A study published in 2019 revealed that from 1946 to 2014, 4.4% (1670 individuals) belonging to the Catholic clergy were accused of sexual abuse of minors.
  • More than 80% of these cases involved “hands-on” abuse involving direct bodily contact, and 66.7% of the victims were under 14 years of age when they were assaulted.
  • Research in 2021 from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops indicates that roughly 4,228 child sexual abuse allegations were reported.

How Many Catholic Priests Have Been Accused of Abuse?

The exact number of priests accused of abuse is difficult to pinpoint accurately largely due to differences in reporting methods and lack of transparency from each diocese. However, research in 2021 from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops indicates that roughly 4,228 child sexual abuse allegations were reported.

The disturbing reality is that, in the US, new allegations against members of the Catholic clergy get reported every year. This New York Times report from 2023 illustrates the severity of the issue and details how multiple priests and clergy members are accused nationwide, with 450 accused in Illinois, 163 in Missouri, and 188 in Kansas, for a start.

It is also important to know that survivors of sexual abuse often have difficulty coming forward, especially when accusations are made against people in positions of power. There are likely many more survivors who have suffered in silence or have passed away without ever mentioning what happened to them.

How Many Priests in Ohio Have Been Convicted of Abuse?

Of the members of the Catholic clergy that have been accused in the Columbus, Ohio area, only one is/was incarcerated. Many are now laicized or deceased, but no specific criminal charges have been levied against them nor was a conviction secured.

Do not let this be discouraging news. While few convictions have been made, many accusations have been brought to light, and obtaining justice is possible. Here is a short list of clergy members who worked in the Columbus, Ohio area that have had accusations levied against them:

  • Deacon Gabriel Hernandez
  • Fr. Martin Weithman
  • Msgr. Joseph Fete
  • Fr. Dean A. Mathewson
  • Fr. Philip Jacobs

There may have been other survivors who may feel too uncomfortable to come forward. However, we sincerely hope that if you recognize any of the people listed above, you can find the strength within to come forward. You can help yourself and others move forward and get justice.

How Americans View Clergy Abuse

The American public at large widely condemns the sexual abuse that occurs within the Catholic Church. Catholic Church child sexual abuse statistics show that despite their efforts to cover up these cases of abuse, 8 in 10 adults see that recent reports of sexual abuse are an “ongoing problem” that continues to happen on a wide scale.

For American Catholics, 46% are aware of the abuse and have discussed recent allegations with friends or family. Further, 27% reported reduced mass attendance, 26% reported donating less to their parish, and fewer than 18% reported they would express support to priests at their parish. Despite this, 61% of American Catholics do not view sexual abuse in the church as a uniquely Catholic issue, and 55% believe the current Pope Francis is doing an excellent job to curtail abuse in the church.

It’s even more important to know that while 15 years ago, US Bishops pledged “zero tolerance” against sexual abuse within the church, it is still a rampant problem. Still, more reports and accusations have been made every year since then. It is telling to see how nothing much has changed since this declaration, and rightfully the American public is very weary of the Catholic Church’s actions and attitudes against sexual abusers and their victims.

What Is Clergy Abuse?

Clergy abuse is when a member of the Catholic Church is sexually abused by a member of the clergy. It does not matter where the abuse takes place, it does not have to take place solely in a religious institution. Abuse can happen at church-run summer camps, schools, private residences or areas, or other social functions.

Clergy abuse often happens in the Catholic Church but can happen in other religious institutions as well. Clergy abuse occurs in several forms, including:

  • Inappropriate touching or physical contact
  • Rape or sodomy
  • Sexual harassment
  • Possession or creation of child pornography
  • Inappropriate behavior such as using sexual innuendo, sexually explicit activities, etc.

Remember, clergy abuse is not just limited to the above. This list includes general descriptors, and each case is different with unique circumstances. Clergy abuse can occur equally to men, women, and children.

Abuse can either be one time or take place over months sometimes even years. It is also important to note that consent cannot be used as a defense for clergy abuse. As the clergy are in positions of power, consent in this instance cannot happen.

Who Is Considered Clergy?

Clergy refers to individuals who are ordained or appointed as religious leaders. Members of the clergy typically include:

  • Bishops
  • Priests
  • Cardinals
  • Deacons
  • Friars

If anyone with these roles in the church commits sexual abuse, this would be considered clergy abuse.

How Common Is Clergy Sexual Abuse?

It is difficult to say how common clergy sexual abuse is due to discrepancies in reporting, lack of cooperation from the Catholic Church, and other factors. Clergy sexual abuse goes back decades and has been a rampant issue not just in the US but globally as well. Every year, there are thousands of accusations made worldwide with no real sign of slowing down.

Even though US bishops made a promise more than a decade ago to make significant strides to prevent abuse, there are still new cases constantly reported with many survivors coming forward sometimes even decades later. While hard numbers cannot be derived from recent studies, it is reported that roughly 1,700 accused abusers continue to remain unsupervised within the church. Of these known accused abusers, more than 1,000 of them continue to work and operate as normal despite the serious accusations made against them.

Many of the accused continued to have direct or indirect access to children even though the accusations made against them should not allow them to do so. The article goes on to state that before 2018, when the Pennsylvania grand jury report went public, there were fewer than 1,500 names of credibly accused priests nationwide. A little more than a year has passed since the report and “more than 100 dioceses and religious orders have come forward with thousands of names.”

Clergy sexual abuse is often underreported and usually swept under the radar from the public eye. The lack of information does not necessarily mean that clergy sexual abuse is uncommon. In fact, in recent years, the American public continues to see it as a common issue that plagues the Catholic Church regularly.

How Can I Report Clergy Sexual Abuse?

The first thing you should do when you suspect clergy sexual abuse taking place is to get yourself or the victim to a safe place away from the abuser. Then, get in touch with local law enforcement for the county where the abuse took place. If at all possible, get an accurate timeline of the abuse and gather as much as evidence possible to help support the investigation.

During this time, it may also be in your best interest to retain an attorney to help ensure that you can fight to get justice. Attorneys can aid you in gathering evidence, communicate on your behalf, and guide you through the complex legal landscape while you focus on recovery and moving forward from the abuse you suffered.

Resources for Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Survivors

Catholic Church sexual abuse survivors may feel like they are alone in the pain and trauma that was inflicted upon them. However, we want you to know that you are never alone in your journey towards healing. There are resources you can use to help make the healing process easier and assist you during this troubling time.

You can get counseling and mental health support, and seek financial compensation for the abuse you suffered. No matter what, your recovery is the top priority, and you can get help and support to help make the healing path easier. Get in touch with us today.

BG World
A nationwide support resource for victims of sexual abuse